Clarity + Letting Go + Facing Fears + Overcoming Loss = Manifestation.
अथ योगानुशासनम् ॥१.१॥
A 3 Days Live Class + 9 Days Recorded Self Practice.
15th to 17th March 2024 - (announcing next batch soon)
Your desires are not your own. Every desire belongs to the universe.
Just like you are, a part of the universe.
Are you willing & ready to hold space within you so the universe may flow through you, unhindered?
Any Block Is Always In Your Energy.
It Only Reflects Through Your Mind, Situations Or People In Your Daily Life.
Why Should You Sign Up For
Unblocking Manifestation?
IF you going through
- Do you know your blocks?
- Self-doubt Mindset
- Poor Self Image
- Unsupportive Environment
- Conflicting Relations
- Toxic Habits
- Emotionally Addicted
- Negative Self Talk
- Entitlement mentality
- Blaming someone, the government, God....
What You Should Do ?
In order to manifest, you must know what you want, clearly. More than that you must know what you don’t want; or if you simply want it to look cool or prove a point. Once you have charted out what you don’t want and listed down clearly what you want, you are way ahead in your journey. As now you are no more shooting in the dark in reference to your feelings; where an array of desires keeps you confused. Now you have a plan and a clear roadmap.
My favourite book remains The Bhagavad Gita. The famous Shloka that many know and talk about but not everyone lives by its truth. Just do your work and do not attach to the outcome. This program focuses on helping you just do the work with all your might and also let go of the attachments. By virtue, you learn by example how attachment to expectations only limits your manifestation process. As you do not let the intelligence of life take over, and energetically try to limit the possibilities through calculations guided by your past experiences. Can you ever create something as vast & unique as the universe itself? If no is your answer, then is it not better to leave it in the hands of someone who specialises in this field? The Universe itself?
Fears and feelings of discomfort are one of the primary reasons you falter and resist taking the necessary steps to reach your goals and achieve and fulfilling your dreams. Know, acknowledge, face and let go of your fears. Even if you do not wish to achieve something you thought you did, it should not be governed and influenced by fears. But by conscious & free will.
In order to reach from here to let’s say there (anywhere), you have to leave this place and start walking – a few steps, a few metres, kilometres, states or countries.
If you consider leaving to be a loss, then you may not partake in the journey and thus won’t reach anywhere.
Now by consciously & with a calm state of mind, looking at what you consider to be a loss versus your motivation towards what you want, you can now make a choice to either face the loss or accepting not taking the journey. You won’t blame time or fate. You know you made the choice.
Own it. Why can’t we own it?
Because if we do we might as well have to detach from victimhood or the poor me syndrome; also I Am a good person syndrome – to which we have been attached far too long.
Every time you control an outcome or the end result – (well can you truly control anything at all? Other than your own response to the situations?); you are simply trying to force a future outcome basis your past conditioning or knowledge.
Drop it. Honour the Empty Space Creation you have learnt during this program and allow life to surprise and take its own course.
Why aren't you manifesting?
You don't and cannot manifest just what you want, but only that which you are ready to become. From the little daily joys to the larger goals driven by life itself. If you pay attention, true dream fulfilment is really that which is enjoyed along the journey as well. To be able to fully enjoy life is true surrender, only in complete surrender manifestation happens. Not the things that you just want, but those that you walk towards.
You are constantly avoiding the experience but your heart desires it deeply. You may be operating from guilt, keeping yourself deprived of experiencing it.
Everything is energy and we are manifesting from and as the universe, through each other. When our energy lacks surety meaning our energetic vibrations are cutting themselves off. Sending mixed or confused signals to the world and the universe. Manifestation happens on flow state.
May be your goals aren’t clear. Maybe you think you want something motivated by a visual or a glimpse of the outcome, but may be you are not willing to take up the whole journey. And that is fine. By considering these facts in detail you will at least make peace with one of the choices and utilise your time better, instead of worrying about it.
The nature of fatigue is either burnout from lack of passion or too much of something due to over-possessiveness.
What if you get it but is then taken away from you?
What if it changes the person that you are?
What if it comes at the cost of something dear to you?
Here comes detachment. Nothing lasts forever. Not even an experience. They are impermanent. Practising and remaining detached ensures a free flow of energy in the form of experiences.
When you dream something beyond your current reach, mostly the first thought is disbelief.
‘It is never going to happen’ and ‘I Am being too optimistic’ is a pretty common denominator for most of us. This program is going to definitely step by step lead you away from this notion; however, may I urge you to engage in a simple practice?
What if it all comes true just like the way you have dreamt it and more? Entertain that thought. Like really, entertain this thought to be a solid possibility. Nurture it deep within. Let it happen in your mind. Embrace and soak in its glory.
So many are more talented than I am.
So many are still suffering.
So many don’t get to eat a full plate; people are murdered, raped, and tossed out from their homelands.
And here I Am with my little sad story of a so-called dream not getting fulfilled.
If you think like this then you aren’t alone. Do you know who else thought as you do?
Gautama, who became the Buddha.
Narendranath, who became Swami Vivekananda.
Subhash Chandra Bose, who became Netaji.
Maybe all you need is to take a closer look at your dreams; can they be turned into a larger goal so you may serve all of those you care for so deeply? Maybe turn your dream into a vision, then a mission.
You can either look at yourself as the Drop in an ocean. Or An entire Ocean in One Drop.
Step up! Step Out! Serve!
- Post signing up you are sent an email to login to our Learning Management System with your email as your unique user ID. Change your password immediately.
- Days 1 – 3 are live sessions. The recording of which is immediately updated and can be accessed till the end of the course.
Post-program, from day 4 onwards you get access to deeper self-practice material via audio recordings. For another 9 days continue deepening the learning.
What my students
Are saying
Practical, Logical, Deeply Spiritual, Ultra Knowledgeable
Read more “Practical, Logical, Deeply Spiritual, Ultra Knowledgeable”

Monthly treats

Exceeded my expectations

Reaffirming the calm

Pause, heal, restart.

9 days of transformative sessions
Shedding the old ways of doings and thinking.
2. Useful Meditation sessions
3. Intention setting and Journaling
4. Interactive sessions (each student got to participate and ask questions)
All these aspects combined preped me to enter into the new year with all the necessary tools and knowledge necessary to start the new year (and many more years to come). This new year may or may not be any different with same or new challenges, but this session gave me all the necessary tools to face the year in the right direction.
Thank you!

Beyond expectations ! A program that gives a simple structured approach to look inside and get our own answers and clarity

Meeting with self, again

What you heal in yourself, you heal for your entire bloodline
The 18 day course took me through so many rollercoasters. I was able to tap into energy of my ancestors as well as clear those energy blocks as well. I not only welcomed my twins in Dec 2022 but also saw material gains for my whole family on mom’s side.
Though one must remember that this course though a very powerful catalyst in making your dreams a reality, still require concrete actions on your side to make things happen.
I am so grateful to Kamalika for being my mentor in this journey.
Read more “What you heal in yourself, you heal for your entire bloodline”

Feedback of Self love

Self love

Compound interest!!!!
Each day brought for me exactly what I needed in that day and in this phase of life, blessedly. Divine bigger planning sensed throughly.
Each day had cumulative effect of clearly all blocks step by step, deepening gradually and gently. Even without always being acknowledged each time.
Its so deeply designed and even more deeply experienced that u realise esp as u reach the light at the end on the tunnel.
Its it well known to the sculptor of this course, how the last week was planned cosmically at the perfect timing.
Grateful and blessed ! Immensely.
Getting courageous for the first time to face whatever is offered.

Fantastic Experience
It’s a game-changer. Well structured and thoughtfully designed
Read more “It’s a game-changer. Well structured and thoughtfully designed”

My only recommendation is that this course will help you…in whatever you truly and honestly wish to seek.

If u are going through any stress.. Depression… Anxiety.. Pls take this course once.
Read more “If u are going through any stress.. Depression… Anxiety.. Pls take this course once.”

I Am is an awesome program

I AM is a wonderful program which helped me to accept myself
Read more “I AM is a wonderful program which helped me to accept myself”

It immensely helped me in coming out of severe depression, sleeping issues
Read more “It immensely helped me in coming out of severe depression, sleeping issues”

With each day you will feel better and love yourself more.
Read more “With each day you will feel better and love yourself more.”

I was able to focus on myself and the mental chatter reduced.
Read more “I was able to focus on myself and the mental chatter reduced.”

This program was a turning point for me.

Transformed me 360 degrees

help me deal with the non-stop chatter of my mind
Read more “help me deal with the non-stop chatter of my mind”

Nowhere near 5 stars, the experience is a worth million stars.
Read more “Nowhere near 5 stars, the experience is a worth million stars.”

This programme helped me survive some of the most difficult times in my life.
Read more “This programme helped me survive some of the most difficult times in my life.”

Let's break the human chain of stress together
Transform your stress to heal the planet through you!
Sleep Better! Live Empowered!
12 Days
Access to recordings for 90 days.
Original Price 8899
Total Value offered INR 31148/- +
Currently Available on Browser. Access from Laptop/Desktop.
value offered worth 31k +
- Access to Lessons, PDF, and Printable Guided Journals - 4999/-
- Access to Recordings - 1150/- per month
- Value offered in the content during 3 days live - 24999
Total Value - 4999/- + 1150/- + 24999/- = 31148/-
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I AM Kamalika
My name is Kamalika Roy and I am a meditation practitioner with over 23 years of experience. I have also been trained in spiritual healing for 6 years. I have helped my self and many individuals through my meditation training sessions and workshops
“To Overcoming Negative Emotions, Anxiety And Overthinking.”
So, Join My Mission To Break The Human Chain Of Stress.
My Inspiration, Aspiration & Mission
We all have had our share of challenges. You as well, I am sure, may have faced more or less similar challenges, growing up. At school or college. Faced bullies. Lost family members & relatives. Seen financial ups & downs. Health challenges. Anxiety. Fear. Sleeping difficulties. While being in love. While being married. Issues we face unnecessarily. A heartbreak is a heartbreak. Here’s when my childhood training in meditation & yoga philosophies came to my rescue. Staying true to my path. Let the negative not overlook the positive. Letting myself not drown in pseudo-positivity & continue to take things exactly how they were. Not how I think or hope they should be.
There were days I was miserable. But the intensity reduced. And over the years it’s like a distant memory that no more haunts me.
What makes me peaceful is the outcome of my own response to the situations. Be it my parents, colleagues, friends, relatives or anyone. Not harnessing grudges, or extreme emotions for anyone, helped me live a peaceful life in the present. I never went overboard with love; nor with grief or even with anger.
But I did taste the fruits of letting the mind loose & allowing oneself to indulge in too much of anything. Even if we think it’s good for us. Too much of anything is harmful. I pushed myself too much into sustain something that was over a long time ago.
I have now learnt to practice self-discipline & a strict regimen.
Yama & Niyama both together.
Doesn’t matter if I am practising Yoga Asanas, Meditation, Mindfulness, Breathwork. If I am violent with myself through my thoughts – negative self-talk. Or if I am allowing my mind to indulge in covetousness – strongly wanting something that belongs to someone else. Aparigraha. etc. can I truly be peaceful? Can I truly be in the moment? Will not these thoughts haunt my memory & deprive me of the clarity this moment demands, also offers?
At times we have seen people fighting. for money, property, children, and spouse. Nothing really belongs to you. But if we knew this, then in today’s civilised world, there would be no wars.
Do I have to beg to mother nature for the next breath to keep me alive? I wanted my daily life to be as smooth as breathing air. That was my highest aspiration.
I found it. What else can I ask for?
Do I live it all the time?
No. Worries & memories of the past do trouble me too. But they haunt me no more. They don’t have any power over me.
In the face of an utter travesty the amount of goodness I have been blessed with, makes me truly inspired. Taught me to look at the larger scheme of things.
What is aShtAng Yoga?
1. YAMA – Self-Discipline — Practices here are
1. ahinsA – Non-Violence.
2. satya – Truthfulness.
3. asteya – Non-Stealing.
4. brahmcharya – Being in the Path of the Divine.
5. Aparigrahar – Non-Covetousnes
2. Niyama – Strict-Regimen — Practices here are
1. Shaucha – Cleanliness.
2. santoSha – Contentment.
3. tapaH – Penance.
4. svAdhyAya – Study of the Self.
5. IshvarapraNidhAna – Abiding in the Divine.
3. Asana – Posture
4. Pranayam – Breath Control
5. Pratyahara – Sensory Withdrawal
6. Dharana – Concentration
7. Dhyana – Meditation
8. Samaadhi – Equanitmity
I have now started to notice that we are born with all qualities or GuNas. The predominant qualities in us makes us what is commonly known as sAtvik, rajasik or tAmasik.
IshvarA is that which is beyond all Qualities. And through a devoted self disciplined daily practice we can go beyond the qualities.
We are always presented with a choice. Either to remain focussed or stray. Either to remain committed or not. It is a personal choice.
When I know study the YogaSutras I recall mostly I was committed to my path. No matter who did what, I never wanted revenge. I tried to want a revenge but never really reached that space. This attitude was wholesome & helped me save a lot of time not going stray or indulge in things not meant for my journey. I healed faster. Almost overnight.
I continue walking on this path.
We are a part of nature. We aren’t a separate entity,
While we talk philosophy, knowledge & data we forget that the ultimate wisdom, the real magic & the constant truth lies in simply re-learning to connect with our natural being. We exist asthis beautiful magical organism – Planet Earth. We are not on the Planet. We are the Planet.
Next time you walk in a forest, try going deeper & into a space where no tree has been cut for over several kilometers for a few centuries. Try to see the patterns.
Any old little patch of forest will tell you so much about community & that we are not alone.
Over the past 200 years forests have disappeared. Violently.
Animals are slaughtered violently.
Everywhere you look, you see these shining beautified projections of deeper hidden trauma.
No doubt our entire population is suffering from mental health.
Our sufferring is just an aplified projection of the mass sufferring being caused as you read this right now to the planet.
Unless we remove this permanently – one individual at time, we are going to continuosly suffer.
Breaking the Human Chain of Stress so we dont pass stress in the form of GREED, JEALOUSY, ANGER, FEAR, LUST, SELFISHNESS, CRUELTY, REVENGE, INSENSITIVITY….to another, then to another & another & another….. to the whole planet.
Stop at you. Break the chain by breaking your link to another human. DO NOT PASS ON YOUR STRESS TO ANOTHER HUMAN, ANIMAL or PLANT.
~see you inside the program~
Depression !
197.3 million people were suffering from various mental disorders in India that is one in seven or 14.3 per cent of the population.