Go to the Future
An Imaginary Idea, Guided & Influenced by Our Past Stories Bursting to be Unraveled and Lived.
This is a live only class
For the curious mind.
Future is numerous possibilities;
not certainties.
- Can you really go to the future? Is it even possible?
- Are you not thinking about tomorrow basis your past?
- Is your right now not clouded with a known past?
- Are you 100% sure you are even in the present?
- If your past is wiped out, will you have a base for tomorrow?
- If you remove all your past cognitive memories how will the right now look?
What's this about?
We are trying to look at the future through the lens of the right now; in turn, pulling us backwards. Thereby, jeopardising the future.
In our heads we are going to the future with our present limited conditioning, just to push it further ahead; or worse, wipe it out.
By focusing on the desired future you are simply boosting your ego. Instead of taking your body & nervous system into confidence, you are confiding in your imaginary fear, guarded by your ego, governed by past trauma memories.
Why is it a live only process?
Balancing the Elements and the Chakras brings about immense mental clarity. It is through a clear mind we take conscious, clear & empowered action. What follows is 100% accountability for the situations we face in our daily life. This in effect removes victim mode from your life. It's your life, you decide how you lead it & how you experience it.
Depression !
197.3 million people were suffering from various mental disorders in India that is one in seven or 14.3 per cent of the population.