Join my mission
With a personal meditation coach available online, you would never have to worry about hours of scattered & unplanned self-work, to get you back to health & abundance.
- Kamalika
Mindfulness happened to me by chance when I was a teenager, I can now say that it was a life-changing chance encounter. Grateful!
Having learned meditation, mindfulness & focus with the help of books by "Swami Vivekananda" and my deep interest in the subject, I have not just cured my own sleeping and anxiety issues, I have over the years helped many find balance, peace, and alignment in their daily life, through my personalized meditation program.
I have learned meditation myself since I was 14 and understand deeply how the mind, body, and spirit work in tune with each other, I offer several programs on some of the most prevalent life challenges such as Ancestral Blocks, Inner Child Wounds, Manifestation, Need for future, Sexuality, Money, Anger, Fear, Trauma/Abuse and much more. Every program is received by me while I am in meditation myself. All of the programs are received as a channeling. They are later, designed and delivered by me as per the instructions received in the energy body. I would never take credit as I am a channel, a source for these wonderful ways of releasing blocks and living a fulfilling daily life. If at all I may take some little credit, then that would be for my patience and trust in myself, which has enabled me to leave everything and start from scratch to give shape to something that, maybe, never existed like this before.
It has a name. “I AM”. The source field energy for this path is called the ‘Garden of the Pulse’. and is only offered on the final week of the ‘I AM’ & ‘I AM’ Intense programs, which happens to be my key offering.
The other programs are concept-based and give you a glimpse of the “I AM” path as well. The overall experience is always of absolute peace, a feeling of openness and oneness.
I am profusely blessed to have learned & practiced a beautiful energy healing modality from 2015 to 2020 under the guidance of a wise teacher who channeled the modality that led me to deeper experiences & a thorough understanding of belief systems. I have moved forward from it, carving my own independent path. My heart remains forever grateful for my practice.
I experienced an almost 360-degree shift when I was guided to a Book of Healing through Akashic Records by Linda Howe. That week-long practice via audible pushed me towards opening yet another unique journey. Which is pretty intimate & part of which I share in the in-person programs only.
My forever focus will always remain on mindfulness and meditation. Without knowing one’s own ways, one cannot find liberation. What will you let go of, when you don’t even know what exactly you are dragging along? Basis which I have offered to teach basic meditation and mindfulness free since day 1 of my career as a meditation coach. Also, I AM on a MISSION.
Our Mission
Breaking the human chain of stress.
A skill-sharing endeavor I invite you to join my free meditation community and practice meditation as a part of your daily life.

My mission is inspired & fuelled by my love & passion for animals & mother nature. Also, the rape stories, domestic abuse, violence & other challenges every single one of us face because of our insensitivity towards each other. We are quick to judge, but rarely ready to act. And mostly we don’t really budge till we are hurt personally. I was conscious and irritated about the world at large and always spoke up, and took a stand, but was truly shaken when I was hurt personally. I was angry. Blind too for some time.
Anger if not channeled in the right direction only brings devastation. I strongly believe no matter how terribly someone behaves with us, nastiness from our side cannot be justified. Instead of being nasty can we not change our way and stand our ground?
Moving onto my mission of breaking the human chain of stress – every single one of us interacts with more than 3 people daily. Much more than that, but for example’s sake let’s stick to 3. When we suppress our natural self, we get stressed. A prolonged period of time gets us to accumulate stress such that our personalities and individuality are ruled by it. We are governed by our fears, insecurities, guilt, and much more. At times a person knows the decisions they are taking are going to harm them as well as those connected with it, yet they go on with the wrongness of it and let everything fall apart.
I don’t believe that most people are bad, they are just not resilient enough to face their own stress. Causing insensitivity to being the new normal. I am aiming for everyone. Trust me I know it’s a long shot. But someone has to start. I wanted to be someone who will break the chain of constant stress, not pass it to another, and in the process inspire others by example to contain stress and make something good out of it. My inspiration – Lord Shiva and Samudramantha. His containing the Halahala
Thus my mission is to break the human chain of stress, empowering as many as possible to understand and embody silence and stillness, to make this world a much better place than it is right now.
I invite you to join my free meditation community and practice meditation as a part of your daily life.
A confident, calm, peaceful, and compassionate you ensure similar vibes around you.
Whoever touches you may leave you a better person. An empowered being.