
Pitr doShA
Ancestral Karma Healing

Online / Self Paced

Unlock your Ancestral Blocks: Learn How To
Heal Your Ancestry Block & Realise Karma To be an Opportunity, not Misery 

By someone who has done it before

Kamalika Roy

Meditation & Clarity Coach

Why attend this workshop

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Recorded/Self Paced


What will change in Your Life Long Term?

Learn How to Identify You Are Carrying Ancestral Blocks in this Course

The word Do-Sha literally translates to properties or qualities. Pitr is ancestors. Combine the two and it explains the qualities or properties we have carried forward from our ancestors.
This program is dedicated to aiding you to identify and focus on your qualities and mind body type, through which you are experiencing life and deciding your future through your response. Every single moment. Through these 22 days you journey through the reservoir of information and memory that you have inherited from your ancestors and the planet at large and learn to use it in your favour and choose to respond consciously. Instead of compulsively.

Pattern of issues running in your family from one generation to another.

Property Dispute or Business Disputes with family members

Were you not allowed to pursue your dreams? For a secured future?

Spirit or negative entities

Genetic disorder

The big families and the legacy they leave behind?


This could be your life

Emotional Liberation:

Healing ancestral trauma leads to a sense of emotional liberation as you release inherited traumas and burdens that were weighing you down

Stronger Relationships

Healing ancestral wounds can lead to healthier relationships with family members and loved ones. By breaking free from old patterns of dysfunction or conflict, you can cultivate deeper connections based on mutual understanding, respect, and love.

Legacy of Healing

By embarking on the journey of healing ancestral wounds, you contribute to a legacy of healing that extends beyond your own life. Your courage and willingness to confront inherited traumas can inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

Clarity of Identity

By resolving ancestral blocks, you can gain clarity about your own identity and purpose. You'll have a deeper understanding of the influences that have shaped you, enabling you to embrace aspects of your heritage that resonate with you while letting go of those that no longer serve you.

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Success Stories

Know your Coach

Kamalika Roy

Kamalika Roy has been in the Personal Development Industry for the last 10+ years, a meditation practitioner for over 23 years and a coach for 10+ years. She has impacted over 1200+ people and personally coached 250+ people to live a holistic life by helping them heal their Traumas, Empty their Subconscious beliefs and Live their Dream lives with Proven Healing techniques.

She is very passionate about helping people unlock their potential and live a life of abundance and is on a mission to break the Human Chain of Stress to impact not just us humans, but also animals, plants and the planet overall.

The Key Lessons & Benefits

1. Through Deeper Breath Work Understanding our DNA through Focussed Awareness.

2. Understanding our DNA through Focussed Awareness.

3. Exploring your Purpose - letting your body reveal it to you

4. Learning to let the RIGIDITY and SOLIDITY liquify & flow

5. Learning What is Flow State then learning to Allow it.

6. Exploring Ego & Fear running down your lineage.

7. Balancing Expression.

8. Reinstating trust in intuition

9. Embracing every single ancestor - till now

10. Revealing, then releasing - Clearing rejection of the intelligence you have inherited from your ancestors, resulting in autoimmune diseases and allergies.

11. Revealing, then releasing - Obligations, duties, promises, responsibilities. Resulting in family diseases or family bocks


And some more that's only revealed in the program.

How attachment to negative self-talk destroys possibilities.

Awareness -  Acknowledgement -  Action.

Awareness followed by Acknowledgement followed by Action brings long-lasting results. This program will lead to conscious awareness and empower you to lead with courage.

This program has the power to drag you out of every and any parallel loops you are stuck in through your lineage & take you beyond your inherited notions. 

1. Recognise -  2. Realise -  3. Release - 4. Reclaim.

  1. Recognise, and identify your unique mind, and body type. There will be patterns known to you and those unknown to you, but through this simple yet deep process, you will be able to recognise them as being inherited. This program will then lead you to release the stuck quality and allow the free flow of the intelligence called life.
  2.  Realise. There are entangled useful memories that can be used and not removed. A happy memory got traumatised with an event that went horribly wrong. For example a party crashed by a bad news. A sad memory glorified & held onto because of the immediate attention it grabbed from others. These unnecessary entanglements are removed and the memory is made to use in the right direction.
  3. Release. Some few generations back, the lifestyle demanded we believe in curses, spells, vows, oaths and that remained stuck in our family line. Literal inheritance of responsibilities. Once you identify and release this property or quality, the response system will change and be more aligned with your life right now. The ability to respond thus will be more fulfilling and free.
  4. Reclaim. Replace the harmful & compulsive response with a conscious response. The term conscious is derived from consciousness. When you are aware you are choosing from freedom. When you are unaware you are choosing from habits and compulsion. This program will free you of your compulsive nature and bring you face-to-face with what you already knew deep down. Now you get to choose.


When you understand what beliefs are stopping you from becoming your best self and work on it by healing yourself- You will live the life of your dreams.

The date and time of the Workshop is mentioned on the top of the page.

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