Quantum Level Self Healing
with Personal coaching
Choose from 5, 10, 15 Sessions
In Consciousness Lies Your Strength: Learn To
Become Aware of it To Create Your Dream Life
By someone who has done it before

I will be your Coach
Kamalika Roy
Meditation & Calrity Coach
Why attend this Coaching
- 1:1 Coaching Targeting your, personal challenges with your preferred short or long-term schedule.
- A Quantum Level Self Exploration, Self Regulation & Self Creative Process
- Learning the Art of Harnessing Power From Your Source and Clearing your inner conflicts to set up a firm base for overall Manifestations
- Identifying the key Challenge in every area and Allowing Openness for a Butterfly Effect for faster Manifestations
1:1 Coaching Sessions Structure in 7 Steps
- Your Coach deeply listens to your current challenge and guide you through a live Intuitive Journaling
- Through Intuitive Guidance + Basis Journaling, You are then guided to a particular Tool that you have already learnt during the course. Your Coach leads your way to Dive Deep in the source of the Challenge through guided questions and breathing.
- Then we Begin tapping into the Source of what was Embodied, Lying Unconscious, Suppressed or Repressed and start Releasing it. Through Guided Probing Questions and Breathing.
- You are then Led to Tapping into this Free Space and Through Guidance your are taught and trained to Retain this Free Space.
- You are taught and Initially Guided to Sustainable Affirmations to be practised, journaled and kept at the surface of your Mind to become Whole Again.
- You are Taught and Encouraged A Daily Practice of Gratitude Journaling starting with what you have. However little it seems. An important Mindset Builder. It is through Gratitude the Realm of Abundance Opens up.
- Post Session An Intuitive Guidance will be shared for daily follow-up practice on the work that we just did. Which will include the Actual Practice, Journaling, Affirmations, Gratitude Journaling and a Self Recorded Plug and Play, script, until we meet for the next session.
Course and Coaching Schedule
The Ultimate Healing Opportunity - This is not just a self-healing tool. This Program takes you to your core, your source. A genuine opportunity to deep dive into the Purpose you were born into.

Week 1. The 2-day course in a group environment. Where you learn to heal and manifest an ideal, mentally free daily life, you may practice based on your current challenges for the remaining week. Then we will meet the following week to dive deep. Post coaching you get an extra 60 days of access to recordings of all tools for deeper self practice.

5/10/15 sessions, once or twice a week, 1.5 Hrs per session. We come on a Zoom call and navigate through individual challenges you have been facing and heal our way through them. You are then guided to advance your practice for remaining days till we meet the next week and take it deeper & more intimate.

Post 5/10/15 sessions we come on a call for 30 min. Your coach probes to identify a long term major life challenge or conflict and help you navigate to its core. A guidance is taken and you are taught the process. A unique & personalised method is shared for you to practice for the next 10-20 days, as conclusion.

Option to choose from 5. 10, 15 sessions
(Course Fee - 21999/-)
Course + 5 Sessions - 69699/-
Course + 10 sessions - 106799/-
Course + 15 Sessions - 141299/-
Sessions Only - 10599/- per session
Fee is in INR*
Success Stories
Practical, Logical, Deeply Spiritual, Ultra Knowledgeable
Read more “Practical, Logical, Deeply Spiritual, Ultra Knowledgeable”

Monthly treats

Exceeded my expectations

Reaffirming the calm

Pause, heal, restart.

9 days of transformative sessions
Shedding the old ways of doings and thinking.
2. Useful Meditation sessions
3. Intention setting and Journaling
4. Interactive sessions (each student got to participate and ask questions)
All these aspects combined preped me to enter into the new year with all the necessary tools and knowledge necessary to start the new year (and many more years to come). This new year may or may not be any different with same or new challenges, but this session gave me all the necessary tools to face the year in the right direction.
Thank you!

Beyond expectations ! A program that gives a simple structured approach to look inside and get our own answers and clarity

Meeting with self, again

What you heal in yourself, you heal for your entire bloodline
The 18 day course took me through so many rollercoasters. I was able to tap into energy of my ancestors as well as clear those energy blocks as well. I not only welcomed my twins in Dec 2022 but also saw material gains for my whole family on mom’s side.
Though one must remember that this course though a very powerful catalyst in making your dreams a reality, still require concrete actions on your side to make things happen.
I am so grateful to Kamalika for being my mentor in this journey.
Read more “What you heal in yourself, you heal for your entire bloodline”

Feedback of Self love

Self love

Compound interest!!!!
Each day brought for me exactly what I needed in that day and in this phase of life, blessedly. Divine bigger planning sensed throughly.
Each day had cumulative effect of clearly all blocks step by step, deepening gradually and gently. Even without always being acknowledged each time.
Its so deeply designed and even more deeply experienced that u realise esp as u reach the light at the end on the tunnel.
Its it well known to the sculptor of this course, how the last week was planned cosmically at the perfect timing.
Grateful and blessed ! Immensely.
Getting courageous for the first time to face whatever is offered.

Fantastic Experience
It’s a game-changer. Well structured and thoughtfully designed
Read more “It’s a game-changer. Well structured and thoughtfully designed”

My only recommendation is that this course will help you…in whatever you truly and honestly wish to seek.

If u are going through any stress.. Depression… Anxiety.. Pls take this course once.
Read more “If u are going through any stress.. Depression… Anxiety.. Pls take this course once.”

I Am is an awesome program

I AM is a wonderful program which helped me to accept myself
Read more “I AM is a wonderful program which helped me to accept myself”

It immensely helped me in coming out of severe depression, sleeping issues
Read more “It immensely helped me in coming out of severe depression, sleeping issues”

With each day you will feel better and love yourself more.
Read more “With each day you will feel better and love yourself more.”

I was able to focus on myself and the mental chatter reduced.
Read more “I was able to focus on myself and the mental chatter reduced.”

This program was a turning point for me.

Transformed me 360 degrees

help me deal with the non-stop chatter of my mind
Read more “help me deal with the non-stop chatter of my mind”

Nowhere near 5 stars, the experience is a worth million stars.
Read more “Nowhere near 5 stars, the experience is a worth million stars.”

This programme helped me survive some of the most difficult times in my life.
Read more “This programme helped me survive some of the most difficult times in my life.”

Know your Coach
Kamalika Roy
Kamalika Roy has been in the Personal Development Industry for the last 10+ years, a meditation practitioner for over 23 years and a coach for 10+ years. She has impacted over 1200+ people and personally coached 250+ people to live a holistic life by helping them heal their Traumas, Empty their Subconscious beliefs and Live their Dream lives with Proven Healing techniques.
She is very passionate about helping people unlock their potential and live a life of abundance and is on a mission to break the Human Chain of Stress to impact not just us humans, but also animals, plants and the planet overall.
The 2 Day Course is delivered in a Group Environment and is pre-scheduled. They are held regularly and you may pick a schedule basis your availability.
This is a 1:1 Coaching and it starts when you and Kamalika both mutually agree on a start date. It must be completed within 6 or 10 weeks and any gap without notice will not be considered.
This is a LIVE session and there will be no recordings.
You will be intimated via email and whatsapp.
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